Preschool (Pre-K) & Kindergarten Entrance

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26

Pre-K Registration:

Pre-K registration will be held at the following elementary schools - Capon Bridge, South Branch and Windy Ridge. Ice Mountain Pre-K students will register at Windy Ridge.

  • Preschool Students must be 4 years old prior to July 1, 2025 for the 2025-26 school year.

  • Universal Pre-K sites are at all elementary schools and EACHs Head Start near Romney.

The dates and times are as follows:

  • Friday, January 31, from 8:30 - 11:30

  • Monday, March 17, 2025, from 8:30 - 11:30 and  12:30 - 3:00

  • Friday, April 11, 2025, from 8:30 - 11:30

Kindergarten Registration:

Students who register for Kindergarten will go to their district school - Capon Bridge, Ice Mountain, South Branch or Windy Ridge. (To locate your district school, use the Interactive Locator Map.)

  • Kindergarten registration is only for those students not currently enrolled in Preschool. Currently enrolled PK students will automatically be enrolled in Kindergarten for the next year.

  • Kindergarten students must be 5 years old prior to July 1, 2025 for the 2025-26 school year.

  • Prior to entering first grade, WV code requires that a child must have completed a “state-approved” kindergarten program.

For a printable copy of the schedule and other information, please read:
Hampshire County Schools Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Schedule

Please contact the school secretary to schedule your appointment for Pre-K or Kindergarten registration.

  • Capon Bridge Elementary - 304-856-3329

  • Ice Mountain Elementary - 304-496-7069 (Kindergarten only)

  • South Branch Elementary - 304-822-3018

  • Windy Ridge Elementary - 304-496-7001

Allow up to 60 minutes for your appointment as there will be screenings for speech, vision, hearing and developmental readiness at the time of registration.

Call the Hampshire County Board of Education at 304-822-3528, ext. 1141, if additional information is needed or you have questions.

Kindergarten & Pre-K Entrance Requirements:

No child can be registered without:

  • An original birth certificate

  • Proof of residency

  • Proof of income

  • Child's Social Security card

  • Immunization card or some other written form signed by a physician or the county health nurse, certifying that the child has met the

    Immunization Requirements for New School Enterers (PDF) 

  • Important - Both a physical exam and dental screening are required prior to the child's first school entry into PreK or Kindergarten. The completed physical and dental screening forms (below) must both be on file at the school before a child can attend Pre K or Kindergarten in Hampshire County. If the school does not have this information on file, the child will not be able to attend. (If a child did not attend Pre K, the screening information must be given to the school secretary before the first day of Kindergarten in August.)

Application & Required Forms

The application must be completed for consideration for admittance to Pre-K. Applications are scored using needs-based criteria and scores will determine placement as space is limited. Parents should indicate their first 3 preferences for Pre-K school locations on the Universal Pre-K Sites Selection Sheet (above). However, when a school site has reached capacity, children may be assigned to a different site that has openings.

EACHS Head Start

EACHS Head Start located at 161 Bill Taylor Rd., Romney, offers preschool programs for three-year-old children and four-year-old children. Children must be three years old prior to July 1 or four years old prior to July 1 of the school year in which they apply.

Hampshire County Universal Preschool Program

Hampshire County Universal Preschool programs serve children who are four years old prior to July 1 of the current school year.

Some three-year-olds are placed in the Hampshire County Preschool classrooms if they have been identified with delays. For more information please call Hampshire County Schools Special Education Office at 304-822-3528, ext. 1190.

Tine Test

Kindergarten and first-grade students who have been residents of West Virginia will complete a Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Form which is in the enrollment packet. If indicated from the assessment form, the student will be referred to the Health Department to determine if a TB Tine test is indicated.

Helpful Information & Links

Great Resource for young children in West Virginia from the Department of Health and Human Resources: Help Me Grow - West Virginia - includes free referral service that connects families with critical developmental resources for their children from birth through five years of age. The goal of Help Me Grow is to successfully identify children at-risk and link them to the help they need.

For further Infomation call Patty Lipps, Pre-K through 5th grade Curriculum/Title I Director at 304-822-3528, ext. 1141.