Job Applications on Frontline
All Job Applications Must Now Be Submitted Through Frontline - West Virginia K12 Jobs
All job openings for Hampshire County Schools are listed on the above Frontline site and applications are accepted though Frontline only. This includes all administrative, professional, service personnel and extra-curricular job openings. In addition to the jobs available in Hampshire County, job postings from around other counties and educational entities in West Virginia are also listed on this site. Job listings will no longer appear on this Hampshire County Schools website and notifications will not be sent out when new jobs are posted. You should check the Frontline - West Virginia K12 Jobs site frequently to see when new jobs are posted.
You may view all the jobs without logging in, but to apply for a job you must establish an account and follow the directions on the site (see below for hints). Initially, in order to apply for a job, you will need to complete an online application with your information which will be saved for the future, but you cannot complete the information on an application in advance until you are actually applying for your first job using the Frontline site.
For assistance or for information regarding job openings and applications, please call or email Pamela Slocum, Director of Human Resources. at 304-822-3528, ext. 111 or Email Pam Slocum.
The hints below will help you get started:

To establish a new account, click on "Start an application for employment"
Then on the next screen, click on Start and you will be taken to the initial application window.
Once you establish an account, you will merely click on "Log in" in the future.

When applying for a job the first time, you must complete all pages of the online application for it to be successfully submitted including the additional pages following the Vacancy Desired page on which you indicate the Job ID for which you are applying.
Look for the additional information pages listed on the navigation menu on the left-hand side and be sure to complete all of the requested information in order to complete and submit your application.
You may download and save these printable directions explaining how to use the Frontline site and establish your account to apply for a job.
Be sure that you complete all of the necessary information to submit your application successfully.
For assistance or for information regarding job openings and applications, please call or email Pamela Slocum, Director of Human Resources. at 304-822-3528, ext. 111 or Email PSlocum.