About HHS

Hampshire High School (HHS)

HHS is a comprehensive high school, serving students in grades 9 to 12. The school offers an extensive selection of academic and vocational classes including advanced placement and college credit courses. 

Hampshire County Career Technical Center

Trojan Athletics

Hampshire High School (HHS) Logo

Colors - Green and white 

Mascot - Trojan   


Striving for excellence, each individual will take responsibility for being involved in the learning process and for developing his/her maximum potential.

Helpful Links

Online Forms for Parents/Guardians:

Information Sources about HHS:

WHHS - Trojan Media

WHHS - Trojan Media

HHS's online radio broadcasting news and announcements at school and covering Trojan sporting events. You can listen online or if you have the old app,  you may still use that to access the broadcasts.

You can subscribe to WHHS Trojan Media on YouTube and see the morning announcements at: https://www.youtube.com/@whhstrojanmedia6907.

More Information:

Online Student Links:

Fun Links:

Contact Us

Amy Haines

Amy Haines
Email Amy Haines
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6000

Daniel Alkire

Daniel Alkire
Assistant Principal
Email Daniel Alkire
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6003

Julie Landis

Julie Landis
Assistant Principal, CTE Coordinator
Email Julie Landis
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6002

Trey Stewart
Athletic Director/Attendance Director
Email Trey Stewart
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6001

Holly Davis
School Secretary/Receptionist/Attendance - Hampshire High
Email Holly Davis
Phone: 304-822-5016 x- 6006

Jeanne Milleson
School Secretary/ Accountant/Athletics - Hampshire High
Email Jeanne Milleson
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6004

Lisa Shockey
School Secretary - Hampshire High
Email Lisa Shockey
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6005

Tiffani Anderson
School Counselor
Email Tiffani Anderson
Phone: 304-822-5016 x-6009

Colby Nichols
School Counselor
Email Colby Nichols
Phone: 304-822-5016, x-6008

Physical Address:
157 Trojan Way
Romney, WV 26757


Phone: 304-822-5016
Fax: 304-822-5760

Monday through Friday
7:45 am to 3:45 pm